Listening to Bob Dylan.
Just woke up from a nap and chugged a mean bean to wake up.
Had WEIRD dreams.
Procrastinating from folding clothes and doing dishes.
Hense blogging.
Going to see L Word tonight at Trish's.
I almost wrote "Trishes"
That would have been funny.
Most of the time I'm clear focused all the time.
I need to get rid of a lot of "things."
Since everyone is doing that 25 random things about me on facebook I'm gonna make one on here...
1) I get excited about deoderant and put it on like 3-5 times a day.
2) I can never imagine not wearing boots all the time.
3) I keep trying to grow my hair out but can't seem to commit.
4) My favorite time of day is dusk.
5) I despise the hour of 1pm.
6) With a passion.
7) I have stranage obsessions with
8) Kim Deal
9) Patti Smith
10) Bob Dylan
11) Sketchbooks
12) Collecting paint sharpies but not using them
13) I hate computers
14) They are one of the monst frustrating things ever
15) Bleep and McWill's new bike should convert into an airplane so they can fly to Chicago and hang out with us....their runway could be the Potomac Giant parking lot...
17) It's rare that I find pants I like
18) I am going to paint my living room all crazy like as soon as I get the chance
19) It will require the help and bitchin' skills of Anna
20) I want to go run cause I'm wearing cool adidas pants that I got today that have Perrywinkle stripes on them....but I don't have enough time
21) I need to learn how to manage my time better.
22) I spend a lot of time doing nothing.
23) I accidently almost deleted this entry...
24) I almost threw computer
25) Bu, my computer is filled with viruses :(
Ok, you guys need to make a 25 things list now!!! I gotta get to folding clothes..
*hugs and hugs and hugs*