Thursday, February 19, 2009

New post!



  1. Hey I like the pics you sent me!!!! The ear rings look great.....I can't really see the nose ring in this pic. You look sooooo hottttt! I talkes to BU!!!!! I miss you guys.....BU and Little M. Bu said that she was going to catch up with blogging. She has been busy. Ha ha ha ha!!!!!! I wish it was warm out =( that's ok I have a feeling it is coming soon!!!!!!! H aha ha aha haha ahaha I love coffee!

  2. I can't stop watching that David after the dentist video. I am laughing so hard I am actually crying!!!! Ha ha ha

  3. HI LITTLE M......HI BU BU......HI LITTLE MS!!!!!

  4. I know, it's hard to see it in this pic! It's not that much bigger than my old one..but differently shaped. :) Yes, we must bring the blogginf back!! LOL cryind at the dentist video...little m went to the dentist today! I wonder if the same thing happened?? haha Should we do i spy? or maybe we should start something else....any ideas??

  5. HEY U GUYZ!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I've been outta da loop in muh blooging ... .. aaaaaah I mean blogging. .. . let's see .. where did I leave off??
    I think I was about to go to Pittsburgh and then the next time I tried to "log on the blog" I couldn't get it to work ... .. .. grrrrr .. . (`; `) .. .!
    Annabana ... how have you been???????? i miss you and the next time i come to Chicago, we're pre-gaming with Wahzie's flask filled with Corona ... j/k ... .i mean Jager .. .and then going bowling ... . uhh o, no telling where little m will sail the ball to .. . .!
    i'm gonna take a mango bubble bath ... .

  6. omgaaaaaaaaawd ... . lmfao ... how did my name become one?

  7. this is such a bad idea i am posting a drunken comment while wahzie is making me food in the kitchen. ha ha i am a little tipsy but it is good to hear form you little m. i have no idea why your name is one and i even asked blaire why you were one. that is a little creepy....i miss you too and can't wait for you to come back and visit! bu bu that goes for you too! you guys are sooooooo awesome! thanks for welcoming me like you did and i can't wait to see both of you when you come into town! i hope all is well with you guys and that you are both doing great!!!!! i will post another i spy cause i think it is my turn! that will give me something to do at work while everyone else is having fun!!!! hope you are having a great night/day!!!!!!!!!

    Anna Banana Pants

  8. YOU GUYS ARE SOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHZIE MADE ME A BURRITO!!!!! TALK TO YOU GUYS SOON!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Mmmm.. burritos! Yay, I'm back in the blogging relm =P LOL.. I have no "idear" why little m is showing up as one.. hmm. What is the dentist video that 'yall are talking about!

    Thanks for tuning into my radio show today, Whaz! (Sorry for the technical difficulty @ first) Anna, I totally have you a shout out and talked about death by monster drinks! I'm making a myspace for my show so you can listen to it!

    Hope you guys are enjoyin ur weekend! HUGS! -Bu

  10. Yessssss it was scrumptious!!!! The video is David at the dentist. It was part of the e-mail i sent you. Google or youtube it!!!! It is sooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!! I totally missed your radio show =( I was in a sleep induced coma....... I will try and catch it next time! Ha ha ha you are so funny! Did you do the test? How many would it take to kill you????? For me it is 160 something monster drinks.......yikes!!!!! Good luck coming to you for your next show!!!! Talk to you soon! Hope you and Little M are having a good weekend!!!!!!!!! I am at work till 6am so I will write more later! WEES BEE BLOWIN UP DA BLOG!!!!! WHAT WHAT!!!!!!!

  11. ok so i didn't blow it up like i said i was going to but what can ya do? i am tired and ready to go home and sleep! almost i have one hour left!!!!!!!! woo woo.......yay!!!!!! i'll be back for more tonight so i expect some blogs to keep me busy!!!!!!! ha ha ha i will be back in a min! gotta write my lies!!!!!

  12. i didn't have too many to write...he he he! well then.....oh bu bu and little m you guys have to write your 25 random things about you! i did on the last blog!!!! it was fun!!!! ok randon fact for the day the little plastic things on the end of your shoelaces are called " AGLETTS" i am not sure how to spell that but are set for the day! ha ha ha ha more ramdomness Purple People Eating Llamas!!!!!!!!!!! ta ta ladies i will blog again soon!!!!!! have a wonderful day!!!!

    anna banana sleepy pants

  13. RUNS LIKE HELL FROM THE PURPLE PEOPLE EATING LLAMAS!!!!! OMG That would make a great animation...I am hungover and gulping down a mean bean trying to motivate myself to get to the gym!!!

  14. Hey all I hope you have a great day today! I am almost out of work it is 5:25 am! Not too much longer then I am free! Take care and I will write more soon! Woo woo sleepy time!!!!

    I spy with my little eye something that is soft, squishy, comfortable. They come in many different shapes and sizes, oh and colors as well. They can be used for decoration or for comfort! Can you guess what I am spying? Ha ha talk to ya soon!!!!!!!!!

  15. Ha ha my word to type in was cycopoo....psycho poo ha ha ha.....I am a dork!!!!! Ha ha ha I need to go home!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!

  16. Is it a pillow??? this blog is a bitch to comment on...this is like the 5th time I've tried! WTF?? It's not working for Little M either..

  17. YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. HEY .. .. THE YO COMMENT WAS A TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! hee .. hee!

    .. .. . .. . . THEY LET ME BACK ON AS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. . . whatever works .. ... for days I've been trying to log on the blog and the mofuckas said I had illegal characters in my comments!
    //( > ,<)\\ .. .. ..

    HOW ARE ALL U GUYZ??????????? Annabana .. .. .. . how are you?!?!? and is the answer to your I Spy a pillow?? How is work, how are your sisters, how is your car, how is everythang?

    *throws confetti around the room bcuz I could log on .. .. .*

    HUGGIES TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Yes it was a pillow! Car is good, work is good, sisters are good. How are you? Hope all is well and continues to be. Take care.
