Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Hwy errrrrrreeeone! I'm a school...I'm suposed to be working so I can go have fun in Andersonville with Rae and Anna! I need to be productive!! Ok, time to get back to After Effects...blaggg

ps- Hey sis!! thank you so much for getting da blog up!! *heart you*


  1. Hey, no prob! Now the blog is integrated with the site.. (computer lingo, heehe!) Now it automatically loads on the front page... like ur bio??? =p

  2. Hey BU how are you today? Hi Ms....you had better be at school! Ha ha hope you are both doing well today! I am at work...not cracked out........yet. Ha ha I have a monster just in case! Bu you are soooo cool. Ha ha I saw pics of when you and your sis were in high school....he he he. Ha ha ha you guys are so cute! Well I should go for now. I will blow up the blog spot later!!!! Talk to you soon, hope you guys are having a wonderful day!!!! If not take care of it will ya!!!! Ha ha BYE!!!!

  3. Ha ha I am now cracked out! We should play I spy....I spy with my little eye something that is yellow.....you have to hurry though you won't be able to see it in a couple of hours.Wink, wink, nudge, nudge .... there is your clue! First one to get it, gets.....Ok I didn't get that far. It will be good though! Ha ha.....this is fun. Oh ps since the times on this thing are all jacked up it is almost 4. That is another clue!

  4. WOOP Woop you win!!!!!!! I still have not figured out something for you. Your prise will be...............I got nothing.......I will figure out something good though! Too bad BU, maybe next time you will be the first prize contestant on I spy!!! Thanks to all players....ha ha I could never be the host of a prize show....ha ha ha ha !!!!!

  5. HAHAH, Anna, you fucking rock! I love the I Spy! I guess I'll take a stab at it since Wahzill isn't taking over the hot seat.. LOL!

    I spy with my little eye something white, that illuminates blue in the depths of the night... It covers a blanket, like a sweater to be worn, too bad it will turn to dirty slush by the time sun rises by morn'(ing)

    Oh.my.god, what the hell am I on?! That was cracked out!! HAHAH! Bahah!

  6. Ok so I am guessing SNOW? If that is not what it is, then you are good. Wait you are good....you and your sis too. We played the question game the other day. Ok so I think it is snow. If not you have to give me a hint....pretty please! Ha ha you are so funny. I love the fact that we are so cracked out. I am usually the only one!!!!!! WOO WOO!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ! I am out of here for today but I will check back tomorrow and see if I was right! Have a wonderful night and take care! Talk to you soon Ms Zill.

  7. *DING DING, We have a winner* Congratulations, Anna, the answer was snow! You can chose from 3 lovely prizes: A case of monster drinks, a baby chiwawa puppy, or a free crochet kit!


  8. Oh my god...oh my....I don't know what to choose from. They are all such wonderful gifts. Oh my word....oh I think I will have to go with the.......with the..........the crochet kit!!!!! Oh yessssssssssss! Ha ha you are so funny! So how are you today? I am ok got to work a bit ago....blah! Ha ha Ok I have another. I spy with my little eye something that is brown but not limited to that color. Usually has things on it. Oh it filters the air and is fun to watch! He he I will leave you with that and check back soon! Hope you are having a great day!!! Hey Ms Zill...you should get in on this too!!!!! Hope you are not going too crazy doing homework! I will call you soon!!!!

  9. OMG Anna, you picked a crochet kit over Monster Drinks?? WHAAAAT??? And it was a CASE of Monster Drinks...it's good though, you're not giving in to the addiction ;) Ok...So I'm trying to guess what your thing is...brown with things on it that filters the air?? Whaaa?? Umm...a dirty pin wheel?? LOL I have no clue...BU, you guess!!!!

    School is going ok...I have been here for about 3-4 hours and am getting things accomplished! YAY for being productive! I'm gonna work for another hour or so and then get some dooooof :p

    Talk so you guys soon!!!


  10. He he I did pick the monster....I was being sarcastic.He he with monster involved who would think I would choose anything else!!!!! I thought that was a given....ha ha ha! Ha ha doof I just ate mmmmmmmmmmm.I was hungry, so no it isn't a dirty pin wheel. Guess again....do you need another hint? Ok the things that are usually on it fall off!!!! He he ha ha!!!! Yay being productive!!!!! Woo woo your turn BU!!!! Yay......the sun is pretty!!!!! Ok work on it ladies!!!!

  11. Woo woo You got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so good!!!!! Your turn!!!!!!

  12. I wanna go!! (Since Bu stole my turn last time...j/k I love you, sis!) Ok, I spy with my little eye...something that that is white, unrolls, and has a string attatched to it!!

    I will give more hints if necessary...it is something that is in the classroom I am in ;)

    OMG Banana Pants I am gonna kick that creepy guys ass and give him an enema with his milk shake...yep.


  13. Thanks by the way!!!!! You are such a good body guard/ girlfriend!!! I am going to talk to my boss about him tomorrow. Am I right?

  14. Any guesses BU? Oh your prizes from the last round are......

    A singing sunflower alarm clock....

    A truck full of mussian ronster drinks...

    Or A pink flying pony!!!!!!!!

    You make the choice! Ha ha ha ha he he he

  15. You are right!!! It is a projecor screen...I will have to make the next one harder ;) I hope Bu makes the wisest choice for her prize...singing sunflower alarm clock *cough* singing alarm clock *cough* hehehe

    I am listening to the Cranberries right now and feeling very peaceful. I'm going to go home in about 30 min...YAYE!

  16. Make sure you stay on the chair.....until you are ready to go that is =)he he he he!!!! Woo woo what is my prize?

  17. Is that an order??


    Oh, you're prize is....I will give you options..

    1) A balloon filled with vanilla pudding. (comes with silly straw)

    2) A space suit...but it is ferret sized and cut.

    3) Free cans of Spaghettios for the next month

  18. Ok I spy with my little eye something that is as long as it is wide. Seent to go on forever. Dark for now. Oh and sometimes has a lot of lights!!!!

    He he good luck ladies....the stakes are high!

  19. I would like the balloon with the silly straw!!!!!!!!!! Oh I made a mistake

    *Seems to go on forever.

    Yeah that is an order...watcha gonna do abaoudit? Ha ha ha stay warm on the way home!!!! Have fun at Costa's House!

  20. SURPRISE GUYZ!!!!!!!!!! .. . .. .. .AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! ... .. i just figured out how to become an official blogger on the WAHZILL website ... . i dazzle myself every once in a while ... .. . :D

  21. HI LITTLE M!!!!!!!! How are you? It is soooo good to hear from you!!!! Blaire is going to be so excited!!!! OH NOW YOU CAN PLAY I SPY TOO!!!!!! This is so cool! So what's new? I told my sis about your text and she got a kick out of it! She said to tell you HI! Yay!!!

  22. YAY! I want the truck flull of ronster mussians! hell yes! I'll be set for a good year or so ;) (and good choice with the pudding filled balloon..HAHAhaha)

    Anna.. my guess is... a black hole in outer space??

    HEY LITTLE M!!!!!!!!!!! You re so high tech! I love that you joined the blog!



  24. *SHOUTS OUT TO ANNA, WAHZIE ,& BU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Anna .. .. . hey grrrrrrl, how's every little thang goin' with u ? Tell yo sis the next time I'm in AZ, i'm coming to visit her whether she's ready or not ... . we can go bowling with little jelly man! :D .. . . Wahz .. . ur so right .. . wuz rong wif me draggin my flat ass around that i didn't do this blog sooner .. .. Bu .. . i think u sent some sort of swirl of techie energy my way so that i wuz able to figure out how take down the computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I LOVE U GUYZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *sends huggies & squeezies* //( * O*)\\

  25. Nope.....you are wrong Bu......do you need another hint? Man I am a popsicle....It is cooooooold out there. You were right Zill! Ok here is the clue. It is dark for now but it will change colors later. You are warm though Bu. Oh another clue is you can see the lights more in some areas less in others.....and they get replaced as the color changes!

  26. Little M I will let her know! I 'm sure they would love that....my sis says all of you are very sweet and would like to see you guys again sometime! Everything is going good =) thanks for asking!!!! How are you? How was your trip! You need to make it back here soon so we can hang!!!!!! You too BU!!!! So do you have any guesses on the I Spy??????? We have some wonderful prizes available!!!!! Ha ha I'm glad you are doing well!!!!!

  27. Hey Anna, is it a lava lamp? If I got this right it's because I truly am a product of the 70's. .. .. . hee ... hee!

  28. Nope not a lava lamp!!! You are so funny!!! Ok another clue, It has changed colors.....the small lights have been replaced by one giant one! Oh now it is blue rather than dark! Still the same size but will change again soon! Wow I really got you this time!!!! He he don't give up guys!!!!!

    So how is everyone doing today? Happy Friday!

  29. Ooooopsssss guys Blaire got it!!! It is the SKYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! He He ha ha ha!!!! Blaire is cracked out on the train! She drank a vanilla cupcake cappucino ha ha with a shot of esspresso!!!!!

  30. hey Anna ... . good one! ... and Wahzie u go chica for guessing right!
    OK ... . i have one ... . whoot! whoot!
    I spy with my little eye something that comes in all colors, is about 12" high, and makes a hissing noise .. ..

    Have a good friday night cuties!

    hug, hug, hug!

  31. Little M...Is is a cat? Ha ha you are sooo funny!!!!!!!! Hope you have a good night as well! Hug attack sent your way!!!!

  32. hey Anna .. ... good guess, but not right .. .. here's a hint .. . it's only when you press down hard on the top of it that it makes a hiss or pssst noise .. .. .


  33. Little m! What Issss that?? You stumped me! I'm imaging a water balloon... a hookah? lol!

  34. Is it you're crazy green tea maker????

  35. Is it hair spray???? Holy canoli it is sooooo nice here today! Upper 40's maybe even 50!!!! Woo woo too bad I have to go to work soon, oh and poor Ms Blaire is stuck at school. We wanted to ditch and hang out!!!! On the bright side My car can get a bath now!!!!!! Woo woo hope ya'll are havin a wonderful day!!!! I will check back later. It has to be hair spray!!!! Ha ha ha talk to you soon!

    Anna Banana Stumped Pantz

  36. He he he I see you made it to school ok!!! I am getting ready to pay bills and wash LeLu!!! I am going to try and fake sick to leave work early so we can hang!!!! Yeah right that sounds so good in my head but REALLY, REEALLLLLLY.......I CAN"T DO IT!!!! I DOOON'T HAVE THE POWWWWWWWWWER!!!!! Ace Ventura....ha ha ha!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and I will call you when I get to work!!!! Hope you have a productive day!!!!

  37. He he ha ha ha ha Evie is sunbathing in the window!!!! She just winked at me, ha ha ha! She is being so sweet today!

  38. Ok so it is 58 degrees here!!! I am stuck at work......blah! Ha ha ha HOROSCOPE time...let Ms Cleooooo Giiiiiv Yu Dem Ansars Yu Beeeen Lookn Far.....

    Cancer! You've got to keep your options open right now. It's time to be more spontaneous!!!!!

    Ha ha what's your sign Little M? Let Ms Cleoooo know so she cun tellllll yu da fu-cha!!! Ha ha ha the coffee is working!!!

  39. HEY ALL MY CUTIE GUYZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ur getting closer with the I Spy guesses! I'll give u a really big hint .. ..
    ;D .. .. . when you spray it, many colors can come out . ... and ... . mcwill likes to use this around Potomac with the bleep at midnite!!!!!!

    hee ... hee ... .. . .

    Annabana .. .. *my nu name for you* .. .. . my sign is Virgo and I was born on September 11th ... . . .! Let me know what Ms Cleooooo has to say .. .. .!

    How was everybody's dae? ... . I spent the afternoon going with Haddad to her 1/2 price hamburger place .. .. the food was awesome .. .we had a blast and ate lunch for 3 hours .. .. she is so crazed .. ..

    We walked back to our cars and I looked in the back seat of her car .. .. . she had weights, drano, and a big pile of used sheets back there. hmmmmm ... .. and with cigarellos on her dashboard .. .! lol!

    Annabana .. .. this friend of mine is like no one I've ever met! Sometime I'll fill you in on details about her .. .. .:D

    You guyz have an awesome night .. .. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!


    hip ... . . hip ... .. heeeeeeeeeeray!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  41. Woot woot Yesssssss!!!!! So Little M you say your a Virgo.... that explains a lot! He he My best friend Kristin is Virgo! We have been friends for almost 12 years in August! I get along very well with virgo!!!!! Ok So far todey Ms CLeooooo seys yur horoscope is....Overbearing people think they are flattering you. Kindly inform them they are not!!!! That is it far todey!!! Ha ha how are you doing today? Good I hope!!!!

  42. hey anniebannie .. .. .that's so awesome that ur best friend is a Virgo .. .. that rocks .. .. what sign are you?? .. .. and how's ur dae going'?? .. . do yu hafta work todae.. .. //( >. *)\\?

    tomorrow i'm gonna drive to Pittsburgh to see my 2 sisters and brother ... . we all get together at some point each year .. .. so if i don't write back till wednesday u'll know what i'm up to .. . .!


  43. My sign is Aries!!! Born on Apr.1st! Ha ha ha I'm a fool!

    Today is going good I am at work right now...but I get a day off tomorrow! Yayyyyy! I hope you have fun visiting with your family! Have a safe trip and I'll talk to you later or when you get back!
